Sunday, October 2, 2011

Done Done Done!

Raina was discharged from the hospital today after a week of feeling pretty miserable. We are officially done with all six rounds of chemo. Raina is feeling better each day but these last three rounds have resulted in a very fatigued little girl. Since it has been difficult to capture any happy pics of little Miss Raina lately, we thought we'd get into the Halloween spirit by posting one of our all-time favorites from last year.


  1. Yea Raina!! I love this photo of Raina. Looking forward to seeing pics of this year's costume too;)

  2. Hip, hip, hooray!!! :)))) xxxooo

  3. This is such a fun picture.

    YAY for being done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending big hugs to all of you! XO Danielle

  4. What a classic shot! I am so glad you are DONE! Hope she is on the upswing... keep us posted! XO

  5. So excited to see this post today!!! Way to go Raina, hope you are feeling better soon!!!!

  6. Woohoo!!! So glad you're done! Big hugs to Raina and good vibes for a speedy recovery. Absolutely great picture - LOVE the feet :) Hope to see you all soon. xo

  7. YAY for being done, Done, DONE! What an amazing milestone to have acheived.

    I am sorry the 4 of you (including Penny Penguin of course) couldn't go skipping out the front door holding hands while you bid Children's Hospital adieu. Your day of celebration is coming!

    Keeping fingers, toes and everything in between crossed for the quick return of Raina's fun and fiesty personality and of course her beautiful hair!

    Much love to you all...

  8. The day when Raina follows in Dara's footsteps and has that central line removed is coming soon! Hang in there and keep smiling. There will be giggles and healthy appetites again.

  9. YAY- glad to hear all rounds are over! Awesome picture...can't wait to see what the cutie will be dressed up as this year!

  10. Fabulous news to hear! Much love to you all!
